Wednesday, October 26, 2016


25 NONEMBER 2016
8.00 PAGI

Berkali-kali dibaca pengalaman yang dilalui oleh seorang staff HSA, rasa sebak tidak tertahan. Air mata mengalir tak terhenti-henti. Terbayang dengan jelas situasi yang digambarkan, bagai lakon layar yang terbentang luas. Sesungguhnya apabila berlaku bencana, maka tindakan segera secara bersepadu sangat penting. Apa tah lagi ia berlaku di tempat yang semua orang dalam keadaan dhaif dan memerlukan bantuan. Semua orang memerlukan tindakan orang lain bagi mengubah atau menyelamatkan bukan saja diri mereka, tapi juga peralatan yang diperlukan mereka, dalam keadaan yang sangat kritikal itu. 

Tambahan pula kebakaran akan menyebabkan mesin pembantu kepada pesakit,  terhenti dengan terpaksa secara tiba-tiba. Sudah tentulah pesakit pula akan berada dalam keadaan yang sukar. Pengubahan pesakit biasa,ibu-ibu mengandung, kanak-kanak, bayi dan pesakit bersama katil, sudah pastilah tidak lagi menggunakan lif, tetapi mesti menggunakan tangga kecemasan. Masya Allah maha suci Tuhan yang maha mengetahui akan qadha dan qadraNya, tidak dapat dibayangkan semua kejadian itu dengan pemikiran dan bayangan manusia biasa. Allah sajalah yang menentukan dan mengaturkan perjalanan itu melalui orang-orang yang memain peranan masing-masing. Sebab itulah sangat tersentuh hati ini mengikuti  pengalaman yang dikongsikan. 

Semoga Allah memberikan balasan yang selayaknya kepada semua yang terlibat, yang  telah berbakti untuk musibah yang menimpa HSA. Amin. Marilah kita menghayati suasana yang dilalui itu di bawah ini, untuk tatapan bersama. Semoga dengan itu, kita akan terus menjadi orang yang bersyukur, sentiasa mengingatNya dan beribadat kepadaNya,

"The following was penned by a house officer from the Hospital Sultanah Aminah, who related his personal experience in handling the fire tragedy which claimed six lives yesterday: Today is a dark day for us. We're hit by the worst tragedy that can ever happen to a hospital. I thank all of the people who called or dropped a message to check on me. The thoughts that you gave me are really appreciated. I would like to thank all people who have helped us throughout the day. Special thanks to :

1) Allah for keeping all my babies safe. No words can I say if the fire had spread to my pediatric blocks

2) The colleagues & MO To all my colleagues, especially the female colleagues in my ward today. When the fire started, they selflessly told all the male House Officers that "You guys go and save the patients. Do what you need to do. They need manpower to lift the patients. We'll take care of the babies". My MO today gave me a look during ward rounds and said " You can't focus in the rounds today can't you, Muhaimin? You want to go there and help. Go lah. Be safe." And that's how all of us managed to come and help in ED and other parts of the hospital.

3) The PPK, nurses and MA All my PPK. You have no idea the part they played today. Some of them carried oxygen tanks from place to place, with sweat dripping from their forehead to make sure everyone is safe. I knew some of them have osteoathritis but they were so strong today. Nurses and MAs are so efficient today that some orders are carried out without words. Everyone knows what they should do and where they should be. Some of them sacrificed their lunch hours just to make sure patients are not left alone in new wards.

4) The firemen They are the bravest souls, running into the fire to try to save our patients. Some of them looked so tired in their heavy gear. They are the unsung heroes of today.

5) NGOs Tzu Chi, Jabatan Amal, ARIF, and many more. Thank you for the water and food. Even McDonald's came and provided burgers to everybody. In less than 3 hours, aid came in non-stop until we had to redistribute the supplies to other departments.

6) The off-duty officers;  many of my House Officer friends and nurses, MA and PPK who were on their days off came to the hospital in their sport attire and helped. You know how much days ofd mean to us. I managed to get a break to drink water today after my friend who was on duty last night came and substituted for me. Some came with red eyes and tired faces. May Allah repay you for your kindness.

7) The specialists, I put this at the end because I think they deserved one of the greatest thank you of all. Can you imagine organizing a ward that is built for medical patients, but in less than 30 minutes they are already full of patients from ICU, Ortho, Surgical, Neuro and many more?

The specialists were the calmest in the ward. They rallied the House Officers and MOs, issued perfect orders, and positioned everyone at the right stations so that everything goes smoothly. From ordering House Officers to take blood, to ordering Ward Sisters to make checklists and headcounts, they managed to complete and turn a chaotic day to an orderly one.
Thank you for showing us good leadership. Let's pray for the deceased. May their souls rest in peace.

Today I was reminded why we Malaysians are the best:".

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